MOUTH kisses, Jack!
MOUTH kisses, Jack!
MOUTH kisses and butt TOUCHES, Frank!
I know you are but what am I?
I swear to god josh i will kiss you right were you stand!
you better bettcchh!
This is fantastc! Im so happy that i got to do this with you man. I love that you made a list of how you whent by this, really interesting to read haha!
Love you and good luck, cant wait to see the results! <3
Hey thanks a lot Stejk!, ;D
Good luck aswell; this was pretty fun (and I would say, pretty "educational")after all.
I'm not going to bother counting how many times I watched "A Way Back Home", hahah!
Haha awesome stuff man! nice to see more people from the network on ng!
you rock.
you rock.
I want you.
You have me ;)
dude your stuff reminds me of like nikelodeon shorts and I god damn love it!
Good luck in the competition mate!
Wow thanks a lot Stejk!, great to hear that from you,
Good luck aswell!
You can rest now, my child.
ahh yes, long awaited
10 10s! 10^10! Mathematically good
I <3 you Fred
Joined on 11/5/12